Segmentation fault: 11 on macOS Monterey 12.2.1 Intel

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Segmentation fault: 11 on macOS Monterey 12.2.1 Intel

Post by whitefx »

I had Wine 7 running for a while on my mid 2015 MBP 2.2 i7, installed via Homebrew. Several months ago I attempted to upgrade to Wine 8 and could no longer get the one .exe to properly load and was presented with
Segmentation fault: 11
Several months later (now) I've revisited this and have completely wiped all instances of Wine via

Code: Select all

brew uninstall wine-stable
I attempted to reinstall to the latest (tried both stable and devel) with Homebrew and manually from github (of course uninstalling each time that I couldn't get it to work)

I've also ensured I installed GStreamer.framework. I even tried installing winetricks.

I've attempted to run the .exe from the command line with

Code: Select all

wine program.exe

Code: Select all

wine64 program.exe
although I'm under the impression this isn't required anymore for running my 64 bit app
(I've also ensured I have the correct directory location when using cli) as well as right-clicking in Finder and choosing "Open with.."

I've tried so many combinations of versions of Wine and continue getting the segmentation fault error. I've searched other non-wine forums and see that this may have to do with a memory error or translation error but cannot seem to make any progress.

I'm hoping to see if anyone might have any insight or alternative direction for troubleshooting.
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