Preparing To Build Version 9.0

Questions about Wine on Linux
invisible kid
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Preparing To Build Version 9.0

Post by invisible kid »

The notes for wine version 9.0 say "The Vulkan driver supports up to version 1.3.272 of the Vulkan spec." Does that mean a vulkan version up to and including 1.3.272 is okay? Or does it mean a vulkan version 1.3.272 or later is needed. It reads like it means the first way, but usually projects will mean it in the second way. Just making sure before I plunge ahead. Better to get the best version of vulkan first and move forward from there. Current available versions of vulkansdk back to my current version are:
I currently have installed, maybe that is a fine version. Thanks for any help/tips, I'm excited to get version 9 built!

Also, I guess there are still wine-staging scripts to run against the version 9 branch? I think that is needed to run
invisible kid
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Re: Preparing To Build Version 9.0

Post by invisible kid »

I think I'll try wine-staging 9.6 to use with I'll forge ahead with that if my vulkansdk version is okay.
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Re: Preparing To Build Version 9.0

Post by invisible kid »

Was able to get it built, here is what I had to do in case it helps someone else:

1. Extract wine tarball
2. Extract wine-staging zip
3. Enter wine-staging, apply scripts to wine directory
4. ./configure wine, but add mingw-w64 and mingw-w32 locations to $PATH first
5. Edit top-directory Makefile, add -std=gnu99 to i386_CFLAGS and x86_64_CFLAGS.
6. Edit libs/vkd3d/libs/vkd3d-shader/dxil.c, change "static const uint64_t ALLOCA_ALIGNMENT_MASK = ALLOCA_FLAG_IN_ALLOCA - 1;" to "static const uint64_t ALLOCA_ALIGNMENT_MASK = 0x1f;"
7. make. It took about an hour on my machine.
8. Save previous ~/.wine folder if necessary
9. make install as root, but add mingw-w64 and mingw-w32 locations to $PATH first
10. winecfg and install anything as directed

As always I had to reinstall classic Diablo II, could not just copy it over. And for it was complaining about a windows secondary logon service on install, so I just copied my previous version over and that worked.
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Re: Preparing To Build Version 9.0

Post by jury »

invisible kid wrote: Thu Apr 25, 2024 3:40 pm As always I had to reinstall classic Diablo II, could not just copy it over.
Weird. I have installed classic Diablo 2 about 2-3 distributions ago, and I always just copy it over to new distro and it works like a charm.
invisible kid
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Re: Preparing To Build Version 9.0

Post by invisible kid »

Yep! Correct sir. It's because I use the glide wrapper, and every time I would go to launch it manually after copying it over I would forget to use the -3dfx switch(I use a launch alias with it in there), and it won't open at all nowadays in my setup without the glide wrapper and -3dfx. I just realized this yesterday, and remembered to add it this time when I manually launched and realized I didn't need to reinstall every time! But installation goes real smoothly these days, so it wasn't a big hassle. Thanks!
invisible kid
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Re: Preparing To Build Version 9.0

Post by invisible kid »

So I guess vkd3d-winehq is included in the wine source now? I had a previous standalone library already installed and it doesn't seem to look for it. It used to say something during configure if it couldn't find it. I even hid the standalone vkd3d-winehq library and it didn't complain. I tried setting the environment variables to force it, but they had no effect. Is there any way to confirm or test dx12(I know about winetricks dxvk and dx11)? I know Diablo IV's and World of Warcraft's dx12 won't work out of the box. Diablo IV says no GPUs found and I can only get Wow to work with winetricks dxvk and dx11. Wow used to work with the standalone vkd3d-winehq libraray I think. Also, I guess if wine does build a winehq version of vkd3d it is very very bare bones as compared to the proton version? It's unfortunate because vkd3d-proton is very very hard to build, especially for a "configure, make, make install" type of guy. I wish wine would claw back any improvements made in the proton fork, but you guys can only do so much.

I guess lutris is still the way to go for dx12 gaming on linux. Wish I could be a wine-only guy. Maybe someone can help me build vkd3d-proton. Sorry for the wall of text.
invisible kid
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Re: Preparing To Build Version 9.0

Post by invisible kid »

In case it helps someone else, Steam was the way to go. Just installed via Steam, then was able to install and run World of Warcraft DX12 and Diablo IV via that. Painless, just had to specify certain versions of wine-proton.