Support for Viber 4.2.1

Questions about Wine on Linux
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Support for Viber 4.2.1

Post by assaft »

Hi forum,

Iḿ trying to run viber 4.2.1 using Wine on Lubuntu 14.04.

What works:
1. The application loads and integrates with the OS.
2. It retrieves my contact list and I can chat with my contacts.

What does not work:
1. Calling
2. Downloading stickers (images like emoticons). Viber shows a message: ¨Waiting for stickers to download¨ but after some minutes it gives up.

Does anyone have an idea what might have gone wrong?
I also tried with Ubuntu 12.04 running XFCE.

I don´t have much experience with Wine. I can post the messages that I get on the terminal after running ¨wine ViberSetup.exe¨.

By the way, I don´t know if that´s normal but after installing viber Wine keeps running and I´m getting these prints in the console:
fixme:thread:ReleaseSRWLockExclusive (0x42cc10c): stub
fixme:thread:AcquireSRWLockExclusive (0x42cc10c): stub


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Re: Support for Viber 4.2.1

Post by dimesio »

Why don't you just use the native Linux version?

As for Wine, you didn't mention what version you're using. If it's not the latest development release, upgrade. If the problem persists, post terminal output if you really want to troubleshoot this instead of using the native version.
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Re: Support for Viber 4.2.1

Post by assaft »

Thanks for the quick reply!

I can't use the native version because I'm running a 32bit OS. The official release is only for 64bit. Besides, the Linux official version hasn't been updated for a long time (it.s something like Viber 3.0, while the Windows version is 4.2.1).

I installed Wine and Viber by running these commands:
$ sudo apt-get install wine
$ wget ... rSetup.exe
$ wine ViberSetup.exe

My Wine version is: 1.6.2

Can you tell me where I can find the terminal output?

Viber is already installed now and I run it from a shortcut that the installation created on the desktop. I see that it uses Wine to run Viber.exe. I don't have the terminal from which I ran the command "wine ViberSetup.exe" but I can run it again if it's needed.

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Re: Support for Viber 4.2.1

Post by dimesio »

The current development release is 1.7.20. Upgrade, and reinstall to a clean wineprefix. If the problem persists, run it from a terminal and post the terminal output.