Unusable Font after upgrading to wine 1.4 (Ubuntu 12.04)

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Unusable Font after upgrading to wine 1.4 (Ubuntu 12.04)

Post by tosho »


today I upgraded my system from Kubuntu 11.04 to 12.04 and installed wine 1.4.
Now, most my Windows apps (e.g. the "configure wine" program) have ugly, almost unreadable fonts
TTF-Fonts are installed and working properly when explicitly chosen, but all the "standard" fonts (like for menus, window titles and so on) are bold, grainy and not anti aliased.

I don't know which font is used for that elements nor do I know how to change them. In Wine 1.3 every thing was smooth and nice.

It took me three hours of searching now with no avail.

Please help. It's so frustrating that with every new release something is broken again. How comes that the developers don't notice this?
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Only a 64 bit Problem?

Post by tosho1 »

Nobody else has this problem? Unbelievable.
Meanwhile I did a completely fresh install of Kubuntu 12.04, installed wine, tested the "configure wine" programm and it looked fine. Later on I installed the ttf-mscorefonts-installer, and when I started my windows time tracking program it not only looked ugly as before, but also reproducible crashes when scrolling down a list. Gosh!

As uninstalling didn't help I finally installed linux from scratch a second time, just to find out, that ttf-mscorefonts-installer is not the bad guy. All programms look ugly still and my time tracking program still crashes. Only the "configure wine" programm obviously now has an explicit Arial font set and that's why it looks good.

So finally, after two days of fruitless work it turns out, that Wine 1.4 is totally unusable to me. The time tracking program is unique and vital for my work and I cannot use it anymore.

It worked fine with Wine 1.0 to 1.3, as all the other programms did that I use, but 1.0 - 1.3 is gone under Kubuntu 12.04

On my laptop running the 32 bit version of 12.04 Wine works fine, but on my 64 desktop system - no way.

So, if nobody can halp me here I would be happy if at least someone could confirm (or decline) that 64 bit has a problem, maybe only on (K)Ubuntu.

Is there anybody out there with a running (and good looking) Wine on a 64 bit Kubuntu 12.04? Maybe it's not a Wine but a (K)Ubuntu issue?

Does anybody know how to install a Wine 1.3 on Ubuntu 12.04

Please help. I've got to get back to work.
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Re: Only a 64 bit Problem?

Post by dimesio »

tosho1 wrote: So, if nobody can halp me here I would be happy if at least someone could confirm (or decline) that 64 bit has a problem, maybe only on (K)Ubuntu.

Is there anybody out there with a running (and good looking) Wine on a 64 bit Kubuntu 12.04? Maybe it's not a Wine but a (K)Ubuntu issue?

Does anybody know how to install a Wine 1.3 on Ubuntu 12.04
Ubuntu 12.04 has lots of problems with regards to Wine, especially 64 bit; there's a sticky at the top of the forum all about them. You're the first person to mention ugly fonts, though.

My guess is that your problem might be related to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+sour ... bug/944321, which is one of the bugs listed in the sticky. Towards the bottom of that bug report there are several comments mentioning problems with installing libfreetype6-dev_2.4.8-1ubuntu2_i386.deb on a 64 bit system. That package is needed to compile 32 bit Wine with Freetype support.

Try winetricks allfonts.
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Post by tosho1 »

Thanks for your reply, dimesio,

I gave wine 1.0 from my old 11.04 64 bit distro a try, and it worked well (1.2 and 1.3 always had a problem with MyPhoneExplorer).
Anyway Kubuntu 12.04 64bit had some more problems (laggy audio for example), so I tried the 32 bit version that came with a well running wine and no lags.
Meanwhile I had some complete system freezes (had to push the reset button, not Wine related), so in the end I dropped the whole Idea of upgrading my system and stick with my 11.04 which is running stable.

To me it is always a pain to see how this actually superior OS Linux is always hurt by the sloppy done and way too popular (K)Ubuntu. If anyone could suggest a more reliable though reasonably current distro I sure would give it a try.