Borderlands 2 through Wine; fixme error?

Questions about Wine on Linux
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Borderlands 2 through Wine; fixme error?

Post by AmberPye »

Hello! New Ubuntu user here. I downloaded Wine and PlayOnLinux in an attempt to play a few games I've had to put off because my Windows laptop wouldn't push them. Chief among them was Borderlands 2.

Except it won't boot.

I boot Steam through Wine, have applied the -nolauncher code and boot from the .exe in the folder (I've done it through the GUI and terminal) with no success. I get a blue screen for a bit and then it acts like nothing has happened, though my fiance has let me know he sees my Steam ID "playing" Borderlands for a second. I installed vcrun2008 and vcrun2010 as well as running dxsetup.exe in one of the Redist subfolders. Altogether this got me what seems to be closer (I think? Maybe?) from several dll errors to just this one... Which I can't find a fix for.

fixme:heap:HeapSetInformation (nil) 1 (nil) 0

That's it. It populates that and that's it. If I boot through the GUI I get a blue screen for less than a minute.

I saw on the app database Bl2 page that someone else had this issue, and they were told it shouldn't stop gameplay. But it does. I don't get it. Anyone have a suggestion? I really wanna play this game.