Playing a game that works through the Windows console?

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Playing a game that works through the Windows console?

Post by kartoffelsaft »


I've been trying to play this game called Dig-N-Rig. Since it wrangles with the console a lot to do its rendering/input, it's been incredibly difficult to run playably.

If I run it through something like wineconsole, it could technically be played through, however it clearly hasn't loaded the custom font correctly so everything looks somewhat corrupted and/or blacked out. The settings only seem to list vector fonts, and it also doesn't seem to have any effect when changing it.

If I convert the font for use in a native terminal (such as foot or alacritty), it'll look right but the mouse input doesn't get sent to the game. Considering it doesn't even let you get past startup without a mouse, this is a no-go

Any ideas?
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Re: Playing a game that works through the Windows console?

Post by jkfloris »

I can reproduce the problem and unfortunately I cannot find a workaround.
You can file a bug report here.
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Re: Playing a game that works through the Windows console?

Post by BobLovesWine »


It's not a bug, per se. The way the game was made is dumb too; a windows PE compilation requiring ANSI standard 255/0xff mapped bitmap fonts in the era of even XP that's what I'd call "mixed media"... but at least with wine things are usually fall into 3 categories - it works! - just magic and done for you, it might work! - but complicated and convoluted and requires winetricks and dll overrides, it doesn't work! - for various reasons. Might just not possible yet. (or in your lifetime.)

You can import the two bitmap fonts into a converted outline vector font, and if you set the point size to the same, the spec is to use the bitmaps - this should work in theory. You'll need font editor like fontforge and some way to automate converting bitmap fonts to outline fonts, I'm sure google will help with that.

You could also try to manually register the two DIGFONT9*.FON files; copy them into your $WINEPREFIX/drive_c/windows/Fonts/ directory, then do a WINEPREFIX=~/whatever_it_is wineconsole and get it to pop a reg cmd or two into the registry:

C:\> reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts" /v "DIGFONT9" /t REG_SZ /d DIGFONT9.FON /f (and dupe that for the "_small" variant.)

Note I haven't tested this, this is just guessing. Bitmap fonts might not work at all, this way. But you can then right-click on your wineconsole and try properties, fonts... see if it shows. There's apparently like 6 specific flags that must be set for a font to be presented as a possible console font, that is also something that google can help with. I know I have about 24 fonts to choose from that meet that criteria, and the console font definitely does change, so take heart, I'm sure there's a way!