Fully uninstall iTunes version, uninstaller in iTunes.exe doesn't work

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Fully uninstall iTunes version, uninstaller in iTunes.exe doesn't work

Post by Lostn00b »

I, like the fool I am, used Wine to install the latest version of iTunes, without checking the iTunes page on the Wine site ... yes I brought this on myself and I deserve it. Version installs fine and runs fine, but the window is basically totally black so it is blind and thus unusable despite apparently good functionality. This issue is documented, as I found out post-facto to my foolish hastiness, and the solution is one is supposed to go get version 12.8 of iTunes and install that with Wine and things should be great. So I ran the uninstaller for iTunes version and it runs to completion to its own satisfaction, and it claims to be deleting tons of files, but then when I try to install iTunes version 12.8, it refuses to install because it claims there is still a more recent version of iTunes already installed. I have run the uninstaller for multiple times now, same deal every time -- it thinks it works, but the 12.8 insists a more recent version is still there and thus will not proceed. So I manually went through every file in the .wine folder in my home directory and deleted any lines, files, or entries associated with iTunes or apple that I could find, but the iTunes 12.8 installer still insists there is a more recent version of iTunes installed and thus refuses to run.

How do I finish purging iTunes out of my .wine so that I can install the working 12.8 version?

Yes I am stupid and I brought this on myself, I am sorry.
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Re: Fully uninstall iTunes version, uninstaller in iTunes.exe doesn't work

Post by jkfloris »

By default, there is a link from ~/.wine/drive_c/users/<name>/Music to ~/Music. So some iTunes files will be stored outside the ~/.wine folder.

You can also check the registry for references to Apple or iTunes.

Code: Select all

wine regedit
If you have no other Windows programs installed, you can also delete the ~/.wine folder and start over.
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Re: Fully uninstall iTunes version, uninstaller in iTunes.exe doesn't work

Post by Lostn00b »

Thanks, that is a really useful start ... I may have to delete wine and start over. I know its stupid to want iTunes, but I have a couple thousand dollars worth of music via them from my decades of using apple, so now it is like free cloud storage (only have to pay for new music, previously purchased music stays there "indefinitely" ... maybe) for a few terabytes of music that I don't want to have to re-purchase through other means.