Sumatra PDF Title bar doesn't completely draw

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Sumatra PDF Title bar doesn't completely draw

Post by SnaakseKaas »

Titlebar is needed as that's where the drop down menu is to open edit configure etc.
WInepreifx , Just core fonts and isolated
Vdesktop full screen doesn't change issue , same with valve's gamescope

"Your images may only be 600px high here URL instead :)"

This was tested with latest pre-release.

Code: Select all

Starting SumatraPDF, GetCommandLineW():
OpenEmbeddedFilesArchive: opened archive
prefs::Load() took 1.34 ms
ParseTranslationsTxt: 18891 lines, nStrings: 357
0104:err:toolbar:ToolbarWindowProc unknown msg 0465, wp 0, lp 11f200
0104:err:toolbar:ToolbarWindowProc unknown msg 0466, wp 0, lp 11f200
StartMonitoringDirForChangesAPC() C:\users\donovan\AppData\Local\SumatraPDF
Any ideas on how to fully draw Window and have title bar behave normally would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance for your input.
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Re: Sumatra PDF Title bar doesn't completely draw

Post by jkfloris »

The following seems to work with Wine 7.9 and SumatraPDF 3.3.3 64-bit portable

winecfg → Graphics → Disable "Allow the window manager to decorate the windows"
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Re: Sumatra PDF Title bar doesn't completely draw

Post by SnaakseKaas »

Thank you for the information. Not allowing the Window manager to decorate does fix this.

Thanks for also mentioning 7.9 is an actual release. For some reason the maintainer of wine-staging for Arch hasn't updated it from 7.7 so i had to build myself. I Had assumed I was running latest.