HELP. Can't get ANY version of DotNet to install.

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Re: HELP. Can't get ANY version of DotNet to install.

Post by Mugsy323 »

Thx. Sorry again for the late reply.

Even with a forced reinstall, each command always ends with the same "warning":

Code: Select all

warning: dotnet40 install completed, but installed file /home/mugsy/.wine/dosdevices/c:/windows/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v4.0.30319/ngen.exe not found
I'm not sure what "ngen.exe" is. I wonder if finding a copy in my Windows directory (must be done from Windows) and hand-copying it to the above location might "fix" the issue?


(Caught spelling mistake on last line.)

FOLLOW-UP: Tried copying "ngen.exe" from Windows to the same location inside my wine prefix, and it didn't resolve the issue. Note however that the destination folder contained a 1k file named "ngen.exe" that I overwrote with my copy (144k).
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Re: HELP. Can't get ANY version of DotNet to install.

Post by jkfloris »

There is no need to excuse yourself. We all have another life besides Wine.

Strange, so the installation works fine in the test wineprefix, but not in the standard prefix.
There is probably a problem in the standard prefix.
Since it is not easy to pinpoint the exact error, it is easier to create a new separate wineprefix for your .Net programs. (Or rename/backup your .wine directory). I understand this is a lot of work, but it is probably quicker than trying to find the error.
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Re: HELP. Can't get ANY version of DotNet to install.

Post by Mugsy323 »

I was never able to confirm dotnet ever actually installed & worked under the test prefix. I'm not sure how to set Winetricks to the "dotnet40-test" prefix. The only ones I know how to set are the two options of "Default" (64bit) and the "32bit prefix".

Under the latter, when selecting "Install a DLL" option, "DotNet48" is checked, but that's it. I haven't successfully installed anything else (like DX9) under the 32bit prefix.

Only last thing I'll try before attempting to start clean & reinstall every DLL: I'll try manually copying every dotnet40 file from my Windows installation to the Wine/Windows path. This might require setting values in the Registry as well (assuming Wine can run its own "RegEdit".)

Better than wiping everything out just to find it was all for naught. :)

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Re: HELP. Can't get ANY version of DotNet to install.

Post by Mugsy323 »

UPDATE: Okay, some progress made. I tried as you suggested, created a new prefix using Winetricks (choosing 64bit architecture and named it "AMD64".) I then installed all of the same DLLs/Components from my original ".wine" prefix. DotNet40 & 48 both installed as well as every other Component. Everything looked great.

I then tried to run my programs. They ran but didn't look right. After some detective work, I noticed "d3d8" & "d3d10" are now missing from among the installed Libraries in the Winecfg app.

So while I have DotNet48, d3dx9, d3dx10 and d3dx11 all installed, I'm no longer have the above components (and I know Winetricks installed them because they have asterisks "*" before the names.)

Crud. I appear to have traded one problem for another. Any way to merge the two prefixes? Thx

UPDATE 2: I installed the missing DLLs manually from winecfg, but my apps are still crashing. Odd. They work from Windows so I know it's not my apps. More investigation needed.
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Re: HELP. Can't get ANY version of DotNet to install.

Post by jkfloris »

I'm not sure how to set Winetricks to the "dotnet40-test" prefix.
Winetricks also understand the WINEPREFIX variabele. For example you can use

Code: Select all

WINEPREFIX=${HOME}/dotnet40-test winetricks -q dotnet48
Is there a possibility to download and test one of your programs?