Setting Windows version on prefix upon creation?

Questions about Wine on Linux
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Setting Windows version on prefix upon creation?

Post by Bamm »

When running an app in wine, a new prefix is created if necessary, e.g.

wine appname.exe creates a ~/.wine if it does not exist, and
WINEPREFIX=/path/to/prefix wine appname.exe creates one in /path/to/prefix, and
WINEPREFIX=/path/to/prefix WINEARCH=win32 wine appname.exe creates a 32-bit prefix in /path/to/prefix.

Is it possible to set the "windows version" upon creation? E.g., create a 32-bit prefix in /path/to/prefix with windows version set to a specific much older version of windows.

I know I can change it later on with winecfg, I just want to know if this property (or some other properties) can be set upon creation, possibly by another environment variable?
invisible kid
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Re: Setting Windows version on prefix upon creation?

Post by invisible kid »

Looking at the manpage for wine, I'd have to say no, there isn't a way to do that. Hopefully someone knows a way and it just isn't included in the manpage. Good luck.
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Re: Setting Windows version on prefix upon creation?

Post by Bamm »

Thanks, I'll probably just script the creation of the prefix then, so i can change the properties via the script. :)