hidclass.sys & failed to set PROT_EXEC

Questions about Wine on Linux
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hidclass.sys & failed to set PROT_EXEC

Post by ChasW »

I have just moved from Mint 19 to Mint 21, and this involved re-installing wine for a couple of windows exe files which worked fine before. Installing wine was a nightmare involving broken dependencies and missing dll's but that is another story.

The version of wine which I eventually got to work is wine-6.0.3 (Ubuntu 6.0.3~repack-1), and the exe files do at last now essentially work.

However there are two issues which I am struggling to resolve:-

1. I get the following error message when launching a program:-

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008c:err:module:import_dll Loading library hidclass.sys (which is needed by L"C:\\windows\\system32\\drivers\\winehid.sys") failed (error c000035a).
008c:err:ntoskrnl:ZwLoadDriver failed to create driver L"\\Registry\\Machine\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\winehid": c0000142
hidclass.sys is there under .wine\drive_c\windows\system32\drivers, so I don't understand why the program says it can't be found.

2. When I try to access a data file from my NAS, I get

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0024:err:virtual:map_file_into_view failed to set PROT_EXEC on file map, noexec filesystem?
0024:err:virtual:virtual_map_section mapping 0x2fa0000 11000 000000000 failed
The NAS is mounted in fstab with the following command:-

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// /mnt/NAS cifs rw,user,uid=1000,gid=1000 0 0
I have tried adding ",exec" after "gid=1000", but that doesn't help. I assume that it thinks it is opening a binary file (albeit a binary data file and not an executable file) and doesn't like it. I can open the file when copied locally, but I don't really want to do that since I want one version of the file accessible by a number of machines. I have trawled the internet for possible solutions, but to no avail.

I would really appreciate any help with these two issues. Thank you.