Q: way to read windows dumps in linux?

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Q: way to read windows dumps in linux?

Post by BobLovesWine »

Hey kids...

I know it's a dumb request, but is there any way* in 2024 to read microsoft PE .dmp files in linux? Specifically minidump or miniplus, nothing live obviously, or full dumps. Can I use a native app? (I looked around, there seem to be a couple projects underway, but nothing you'd trust just yet). Or can we today set up a win10 x64 bottle and install the CLI debugging tools or like windbg msi from the SDK and use that? I know it was a crap shoot years back, but x64 support has grown explosively... I'll try myself later when I have time, figured it was easier to ask.

*yes I know I could probably just use https://code.visualstudio.com/Download but I would rather boot up a windows VM image first, if bringing a MS IDE into linux is my only option. Call me adversarial if you want. :-)

Thanks for reading!