[FEDORA] Pipewire / low latency input on Ableton Live?

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[FEDORA] Pipewire / low latency input on Ableton Live?

Post by deusnovus »

Hello good people, I installed Ableton Live and a few VSTs on Fedora via Bottles and it runs absolutely fantastic, minus a few glitches here and there. My only issue here is audio/MIDI input latency.

As it is currently, when you install Ableton Live via whatever version of Wine Bottles comes with, it only includes PulseAudio and my computer's audio interface. The lowest I can achieve with the above is 5ms / 256 samples, which is pretty high. I don't quite understand the process of having Pipewire within Wine, like some users claim to use, but I know Fedora ships with Pipewire by default and is the default audio engine in Bitwig. The standalone apps of the VSTs I installed also run on PulseAudio, but have no latency.

Unfortunately, there aren't many resources on how to achieve low latency audio for Linux, so I figured I ask for advice here on this forum. Thank you.