Completely new and could use some help.

Questions about Wine on Linux
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Joined: Sun Sep 02, 2012 11:36 am

Completely new and could use some help.

Post by AshleyRyan »

I've just started using Ubuntu 12.04, because my vista had corrupt files and I didn't have the repair disks anymore. I like it a lot, but I'm still new to it. I recently started playing wow, so I'm new with how wow works, when it comes to technical stuff. I understand that the new wow patch 5.0.4 is bound to have bugs with wine and ubuntu in general, but I'd still like to ask. At first I couldn't get it to download the installer for wow, That changed soon and I was able to download the game. I can log in fine and choose a character, as soon as the bar loads completely, however, it crashes. It says it's a deficiency in wine. I'm just wondering if anyone knows anything about this. It seems like an easy fix, as if it doesn't have permission to run, but as I've said I'm completely new to it. I'm sorry if this isn't in the right spot of the forums.