jscript engine not found

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jscript engine not found

Post by djahma »

Hi there,

After upgrading from wine 1.2 to wine 1.4, jscript stuff got broken.
So I have the .wine folder I used to transfer from 1 pc to the next because it contains a database that AmiBroker creates (the win software i need wine for), plus I have various technologies properly installed and set in there: many OLE/COM objects, used to have script engine, mono.
I also use Ubuntu and I've stuck to this first .wine folder from version 10.10 to 11.10.
However, with ubuntu 12.04 and wine 1.4, the jscript engine stopped working and when I now do:

Code: Select all

$wine wscript myfile.js
I receive the following error: fixme:wscript:wWinMain Could not find engine for L"./myfile.js"

The weird thing is that AmiBroker uses internet explorer jscript engine to run jscripts and within the software it all work fine. It's when I call scripts outside Amibroker that the jscript engine is somehow not found, like in the code above.

My research so far, leads me to think the problem stems from the registry which must have had a key somehow changed...unfortunately, I'm super crap at dealing with that registry.

My laptop not being beefy enough to run a virtual machine, I absolutely need to get these scripts working again in wine.
I've also already tried to reinstall everything in a fresh prefix but the results were even worse: jscript wouldn't work anywhere, and all my AmiBroker work turned useless. I strongly suspect something is wrong with wine 1.4.

Thanks for your help
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Re: jscript engine not found

Post by dimesio »

djahma wrote: After upgrading from wine 1.2 to wine 1.4, jscript stuff got broken.
Upgrade to the latest development release and reinstall your app to a clean wineprefix.
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Post by DanKegel »

And/or try "winetricks wsh56".
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Post by djahma »

I've uninstalled wine 1.4 and installed the development 1.5 package.
wsh56 is installed, as well as wsh57 etc, but still no luck: no script engine found + AmiBroker doesn't find the engine as well after reinstalling everything in a fresh prefix.
I've then deleted that .wine prefix and replaced it with my old .wine folder and this time AmiBroker finds the script engine, but still, outside AmiBroker there's no script engine found.
So basically, the situation is the very same as during my first call for help.
Any other idea? I've been on it for days now... :x
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Post by djahma »

By the way, I thought wscript was the scripting engine? so why can't it find itself???
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Post by djahma »

ok, I give up, deleted everything wine related and installed VirtualBox.
I've already wasted too much time with wine, this week and last year. There's a problem with it with every update, not all features work, and although it's fast in comparison to a VM, it's pretty crappy when you add up all the details which fail.
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Post by trlkly »

May I ask why you upgraded to Wine 1.4 in the first place? If your software worked perfectly on Wine 1.2, why not just use that?

You do realize it's possible to run two different versions of wine on the same machine, right?