Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS noble. X11 desktop. GeForce RTX 4060 Ti
$ wine --version
wine-9.0 (Ubuntu 9.0~repack-4build3)
$ nvidia-detector
Code: Select all
$ wine "Home Designer Pro 2020.exe"
0074:err:winediag:is_broken_driver Broken NVIDIA RandR detected, falling back to RandR 1.0. Please consider using the Nouveau driver instead.
0034:err:winediag:is_broken_driver Broken NVIDIA RandR detected, falling back to RandR 1.0. Please consider using the Nouveau driver instead.
010c:err:winediag:is_broken_driver Broken NVIDIA RandR detected, falling back to RandR 1.0. Please consider using the Nouveau driver instead.
010c:err:module:import_dll Library Qt5SvgCA.dll (which is needed by L"C:\\Program Files\\Chief Architect\\Home Designer Pro 2020 (64 bit)\\imageformats\\qsvg.dll") not found
019c:err:winediag:is_broken_driver Broken NVIDIA RandR detected, falling back to RandR 1.0. Please consider using the Nouveau driver instead.
01b4:err:winediag:is_broken_driver Broken NVIDIA RandR detected, falling back to RandR 1.0. Please consider using the Nouveau driver instead.
The program is running at this point, but as soon as I try to draw anything, the next two lines are displayed and the program crashes:
wine: Call from 00006FFFFF483F07 to unimplemented function msvcp140.dll.?_Throw_Cpp_error@std@@YAXH@Z, aborting
0468:err:virtual:virtual_setup_exception stack overflow 1920 bytes addr 0x6fffffca7207 stack 0x73bf2c800880 (0x73bf2c800000-0x73bf2c801000-0x73bf2cfb0000)
I would love to get this working since this is the last Windows-only program I am missing to complete my migration to a Linux desktop. Any insight or help would be greatly appreciated.