Translation to native .NET core / Mono / OpenJDK

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Joined: Sat Oct 30, 2021 4:42 am

Translation to native .NET core / Mono / OpenJDK

Post by CielRuby »

I was recently trying out apps like and Visual Studio which obviously aren't supported, leaves out that they'll ever work on Arm Mac.
And I was thinking, why emulate something that doesn't need to be emulated.
.Net Framework apps could be translated to mono+xamarin and .Net apps only need the native part (win32&plug-ins) to be translated wine.
Same counts for java apps.
This comes with complexities: version differences and cross snapdragon>Intel, Intel>Apple Silicon and 32-bit in general.

However, I expect this increasing compatibility&performance, but possible needing some custom java/.net libraries (alrdy for wine, but now also for .net)
Is this a possibility for future versions?

Thanks for reading!
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Joined: Sat Oct 30, 2021 4:42 am

Re: Translation to native .NET core / Mono / OpenJDK

Post by CielRuby »

I meant the (alrdy for wine , but now also for .net) edit for the sentence before it.