Error opening oledb database after upgrade to wine 5.0

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Error opening oledb database after upgrade to wine 5.0

Post by dulx »

Hi all,

after upgrading Ubuntu (and wine) my video recorder management app is not working anymore. Some details:

old Ubuntu release: 18.04
new Ubuntu release: 20.04
old wine release: 1.x (don't know the exact release anymore)
new wine release: 5.03 (came with the upgrade, don't know why it is such a big jump)

The prefix was created with "WINEARCH=win32". Additions installed via winetricks, which are necessary to get the app running:


I can start the app and configure my network connection to the VCR (connection test successful). But when trying to open the video stream, it fails with the following message:

open db
open :Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\Program Files\iVSS\config\SysDB.mdb;user id=admin;jet oledb:database password=<some password here> err:317--Des:-ErrMsg: Unknown error 0x80004001--:

(I just replaced the password string, which is hardcoded in the app).

When searching around, I found that some MS Office users have similar problems with current office releases when opening password protected databases, so this might be related.

On a machine running Ubuntu 16.04 and wine the app is still working.
On Devuan the app is working with wine 4.0-2 without issues.
On freebsd with wine 5.0.2_1 I have the same issue.

So it seems something changed in wine 5.x which causes the problem. Any idea what is causing this?

Thanks a lot.
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Re: Error opening oledb database after upgrade to wine 5.0

Post by spoon0042 »

wine 5.0 added a dll and there was an issue with winetricks, if you don't have the latest you should update it. You may need to override either or both of msado15 and odbccp32 in winecfg. If that doesn't help there may be some other bug and you'd want to start with posting full terminal output.