Can't find matching timezone information in the registry

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Can't find matching timezone information in the registry

Post by evolves »

Since the last update at my arch linux I get the error message in the screen image when I try to start sc2.

Anyone an idea how to fix it or what could be the reason?

But I need also to mention that I have some orphans recently and not sure if one of those dependencies could be required by the game.

automoc4 db4.8 doxygen expac extra-cmake-modules gperf gtkspell3 haskell-cpphs haskell-here haskell-hunit haskell-prelude-extras haskell-statistics idnkit js jshon junit lcms libkipi lld llvm ocaml-findlib openssl-1.0 patchelf python-sip python2-cheetah python2-dateutil python2-gflags python2-google-api-python-client python2-pymongo python2-regex python2-requests python2-typing python2-yaml scons sdl_ttf sip telepathy-glib wiredtiger yaml-cpp yasm'