Stupid login recovery requirements

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Stupid login recovery requirements

Post by UselessRegister »

Why do you make this so difficult?

This is my THIRD Registration because of a system crash I no longer have the login names and passwords.

I tried "forgot my password" and I can't remember the exact name as I use a password manager. I only have two email addresses I use for forum logins but that's not enough, it needs the login name too. DUH!

On Registering I am asked stupid questions. "Which distribution does not use...."
THINK ABOUT IT! I am using wine to transition OVER TO Linux, I am therefore NOT a Linux know-it-all.

So I got that answer wrong and I was then asked "what is five thousand and twenty five divided by five, answer in English words." I answered "one thousand and five" and it said "WRONG!" Maybe that's just my calculator! DUH!

Does it really need to be this complicated to join or recover an account? I can understand slowing up spam-bots but this is just nuts.
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Re: Stupid login recovery requirements

Post by dimesio »

The fact that you can't remember your own login name is your problem.

Answers to the distro questions can be easily looked up. Answers to the math questions should be the words for the numbers only, no conjunctions. Since you were able to post here, I guess you figured that out.

It is quite difficult to construct challenge questions that will keep out most spammers without keeping out normal users. If you have specific suggestions, I am very eager to see them.