Mac - Program Installation Troubles

Questions about Wine on macOS.
Posts: 1
Joined: Sat Oct 08, 2011 11:34 am

Mac - Program Installation Troubles

Post by jef4490 »

Hey folks,
So I setup Wine last night following this guide:

I run OSX 10.6, Macbook Pro.

Everything seemed to be going pretty well and I tried to install the program Worms Armaggeddon. Here are the results:

jeff$ wine /Users/jeff/Downloads/WormsArmageddon-dm.exe
fixme:ole:TLB_ReadTypeLib Header type magic 0x00905a4d not supported.
err:ole:TLB_ReadTypeLib Loading of typelib L"Z:\\Users\\jeff\\Downloads\\WormsArmageddon-dm.exe" failed with error 0
fixme:ole:TLB_ReadTypeLib Header type magic 0x00905a4d not supported.
err:ole:TLB_ReadTypeLib Loading of typelib L"Z:\\Users\\jeff\\Downloads\\WormsArmageddon-dm.exe" failed with error 0
fixme:shdocvw:PersistStreamInit_Load (0x13fe68)->(0x13d510)
fixme:shdocvw:OleObject_Advise (0x13fe68)->(0x458c4c, 0x458ca4)
fixme:shdocvw:ViewObject_SetAdvise (0x13fe68)->(1 00000000 0x458c4c)
fixme:shdocvw:ViewObject_Draw (0x13fe68)->(1 -1 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x598 0x458cbc 0x458cbc 0x0 00000000)
fixme:shdocvw:WebBrowser_put_RegisterAsDropTarget (0x13fe68)->(0)
fixme:urlmon:URLMoniker_BindToObject use running object table
fixme:system:SetProcessDPIAware stub!
fixme:dwmapi:DwmIsCompositionEnabled 0x32a4d4
fixme:iphlpapi:NotifyAddrChange (Handle 0x204f518, overlapped 0x204f520): stub
0[179e80]: IMM32: InitKeyboardLayout, aKeyboardLayout=04090409, sCodePage=1252, sIMEProperty=00090000
fixme:shdocvw:ClOleCommandTarget_QueryStatus (0x13ff10)->((null) 1 0x32b67c 0x0)
fixme:shdocvw:ClOleCommandTarget_QueryStatus command_0: 27, 0x0
fixme:shdocvw:ClOleCommandTarget_Exec Unimplemented cmdid 25
fixme:shdocvw:ClOleCommandTarget_Exec Unimplemented cmdid 26
fixme:ole:TLB_ReadTypeLib Header type magic 0x00905a4d not supported.
err:ole:TLB_ReadTypeLib Loading of typelib L"Z:\\Users\\jeff\\Downloads\\WormsArmageddon-dm.exe" failed with error 0
fixme:ole:TLB_ReadTypeLib Header type magic 0x00905a4d not supported.
err:ole:TLB_ReadTypeLib Loading of typelib L"Z:\\Users\\jeff\\Downloads\\WormsArmageddon-dm.exe" failed with error 0
fixme:ole:TLB_ReadTypeLib Header type magic 0x00905a4d not supported.
err:ole:TLB_ReadTypeLib Loading of typelib L"Z:\\Users\\jeff\\Downloads\\WormsArmageddon-dm.exe" failed with error 0
fixme:ole:TLB_ReadTypeLib Header type magic 0x00905a4d not supported.
err:ole:TLB_ReadTypeLib Loading of typelib L"Z:\\Users\\jeff\\Downloads\\WormsArmageddon-dm.exe" failed with error 0
fixme:shdocvw:ClOleCommandTarget_Exec Unimplemented group {000214d1-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}
fixme:shdocvw:ClientSite_GetContainer (0x13ff10)->(0x32b65c)
fixme:shdocvw:ClOleCommandTarget_Exec Unimplemented group {000214d1-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}

I tried installing other programs and never got past a "wine Bad EXE format for Z:..." error situation.

Thanks for any help!
Posts: 1
Joined: Thu Oct 13, 2011 8:44 am

Same problems... wine runtime error, probably installation

Post by carya »

Had the same problem.

Followed the same guide to a T, and grabbed assorted and sundry simple exe files, installs and straight executables, and had the same problem.

wine: Bad EXE format for Z:\Users\....

The build was flawless from what I observed. This was supposed to be a trial go. The first attempt generated more information:

wine: created the configuration directory '/Users/carya/.wine'
fixme:system:SetProcessDPIAware stub!
fixme:dwmapi:DwmIsCompositionEnabled 0x33c534
fixme:file:MoveFileWithProgressW MOVEFILE_WRITE_THROUGH unimplemented
fixme:advapi:SetNamedSecurityInfoW L"C:\\windows\\system32\\gecko\\1.0.0\\wine_gecko\\components\\xpti.dat" 1 536870916 0x0 0x0 0x1ff564 0x0
fixme:iphlpapi:NotifyAddrChange (Handle 0xa73f518, overlapped 0xa73f520): stub
fixme:file:MoveFileWithProgressW MOVEFILE_WRITE_THROUGH unimplemented
fixme:advapi:SetNamedSecurityInfoW L"C:\\windows\\system32\\gecko\\1.0.0\\wine_gecko\\components\\compreg.dat" 1 536870916 0x0 0x0 0x1d352c4 0x0
fixme:event:wait_for_withdrawn_state window 0x1005c/c00001 wait timed out
fixme:event:wait_for_withdrawn_state window 0x20070/a00001 wait timed out
wine: configuration in '/Users/carya/.wine' has been updated.
err:module:map_image Could not map section .text, file probably truncated
err:module:map_image Could not map section .text, file probably truncated
wine: Bad EXE format for Z:\Users\....

I looked around in .wine/ (being new to this and all) and saw :

lrwxr-xr-x 1 carya staff 10 Oct 13 06:28 c: -> ../drive_c
lrwxr-xr-x 1 carya staff 1 Oct 13 06:28 z: -> /

Looked in all the other files in that directory and nothing stood out as a source of a glitch other than possibly configurations that weren't customized properly.

Any advice on where to go from here would be helpful. At the very least now I have ports working, whereas it wasn't before, and I have the latest XQuartz and all of XCode installed now.

Thanks in advance.