Wine64 Installs Program but doesnt run

Questions about Wine on Linux
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Wine64 Installs Program but doesnt run

Post by willcolmenares »

Hi, I've installed wine in my system, also, successfully installed a .exe (64bits) program, but doesnt do anything when I try to run it.

Tried installing it with PlayOnLinux (which uses wine too) and at least show me a message that the program crashed. If I debug gives me this output:

Code: Select all

Running wine- Berrycast.exe (Working directory : /home/william/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/Berrycast/drive_c/users/william/Local Settings/Application Data/Programs/berrycast-desktop)
      err =;

Error: EINVAL: invalid argument, uv_pipe_open
    at new Socket (net.js:325:26)
    at createWritableStdioStream (internal/bootstrap/switches/is_main_thread.js:67:18)
    at process.getStdout [as stdout] (internal/bootstrap/switches/is_main_thread.js:122:12)
    at Object.<anonymous> (electron/js2c/browser_init.js:185:777)
    at Object../lib/browser/init.ts (electron/js2c/browser_init.js:185:3698)
    at __webpack_require__ (electron/js2c/browser_init.js:1:128)
    at electron/js2c/browser_init.js:1:1200
    at electron/js2c/browser_init.js:1:1267
    at NativeModule.compileForInternalLoader (internal/bootstrap/loaders.js:279:7)
    at NativeModule.compileForPublicLoader (internal/bootstrap/loaders.js:219:10) {
  errno: -4071,
  code: 'EINVAL',
  syscall: 'uv_pipe_open'
I add this because I dont see where I can find a log of this action in wine itself.

Do you know whatt can I do to run this program? (the software is called berrycast)
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Joined: Thu May 22, 2008 3:18 am

Re: Wine64 Installs Program but doesnt run

Post by Bamm »

If you run the program on the command line, e.g., $ wine prog.exe, the log will appear on the terminal.

If you want to capture the log onto a file, use redirection, e.g., $ wine prog.exe > logfile.log

Does your program need something to run it? Maybe a dependency like dotnet or vcrun or vbrun?