How work LLVMpipe by Gallium with Wine?

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How work LLVMpipe by Gallium with Wine?

Post by Kitsune »


I'am interesting to support upper level of OpenGL that my GPU can offer through Wine. It seem be possible by CPU through the LLVMpipe Driver.

I use an old Nvidia card and don't support natively more than the 2.1 version of OpenGL. I have view online that LLVMpipe can make it upper. Someone have use it? In this case tell me about it...How use it for the Wine games or applications?

I have view LLVMpipe can be installed on Windows or Linux.

Personally a Use as host a Linux OS but don't know if I must install LLVMpipe in Wine (Windows environment) or in Linux in my case if I want to run Wine games that have a OpenGL version needing upper that the 2.1 version. Also I have installed tha package from my Linux distribution but that don't seem to be effective for now. My computer already use the GPU drivers.

I have also tried open sources "Nouveau" drivers but seem have some trouble about Dx here...

I post it in this section cause here the question it's not really about Linux himself but Wine + LLVMpipe +Gallium and host OS, how it work?

Thanks for reply.