Small fonts not antialiased or are monospaced in Office 2010

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Small fonts not antialiased or are monospaced in Office 2010

Post by DaAwesomeP »

I installed Office 2010 32-bit successfully in Windows XP mode on Wine 3.0 32-bit on OpenSUSE Leap 15.0 x64. I have the riched20 library overriden to "native, builtin," and I am using the "Royale Noir" theme. Office installed and activated perfectly fine. I installed Word, Excel, Powerpoint, and OneNote as well as the SP1 and SP2 updates. There haven't been any crashes or noticeable errors other than with the fonts. I tried a few different versions of Wine, and this version works flawlessly for installing and running the programs. I could not get Office to install correctly on v3.7.

In OpenSUSE, I am using the latest version of freetype2 that supports the "new Harmony LCD Subpixel Rendering technique." This version is included in Leap 15.0; I did not have to install or build anything myself. On the OpenSUSE side, I have subpixel rendering set to "rgb" and "Force Autohinting" is enabled. I am not forcing a specific hint style. I have applied the interpreter version configuration setting as instructed here. I added all of my fonts from my Windows partition to OpenSUSE, but that did not make a difference. I did not mess with any font settings in OpenSUSE or Wine until I noticed this issue.

On the Wine side, I applied the winetricks mscorefonts and RGB subpixel configurations. I verified the configuration by checking the registry for the keys in regedit. I added all of my fonts from my Windows partition to my prefix folder's Windows fonts folder, but that did not make a difference. Wine is set to 96 dpi, and the 10pt Tahoma example in the config window looks fine. The setting in Word to "use ClearType fonts" in enabled (it appears not to make much of a difference). I tried setting Wine to Vista, 7, and 10 modes, but Word would not startup unless it was in XP mode.

I have attached a screenshot with the same document in Word 2010 through Wine and LibreOffice in OpenSUSE. The font is Times New Roman 12pt. One window of each is at 100% zoom, and the other is at 110% zoom. When at 100% zoom, Word makes Times New Roman look like Courier New. At 100% zoom, the font weight appears to be off, and it still looks very odd. I have never seen this behavior before. You will also notice the "monospaced" font in the style select buttons in the Word tool ribbon and the blurry/not properly anti-aliased or subpixeled text in the ribbon and status bars.

What is going on here? I have exhausted all of the variables I know of (system font settings, font files, etc.). Is this a known bug?

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Re: Small fonts not antialiased or are monospaced in Office

Post by dimesio »
