wine-1.7.50 64 bit Bad EXE format for Z:\home\notepad++.exe.

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wine-1.7.50 64 bit Bad EXE format for Z:\home\notepad++.exe.

Post by analyst »

I can get it to work for Explorer++.exe which is 64 bits but not for notepadd++.exe which is a 32 bit .

wine: Bad EXE format for Z:\home\notepad++.exe.

winedump of the exe is here:

Code: Select all

Contents of ../notepad++.exe: 2049536 bytes

File Header
  Machine:                      014C (i386)
  Number of Sections:           5
  TimeDateStamp:                55D510D1 (Wed Aug 19 19:27:13 2015) offset 256
  PointerToSymbolTable:         00000000
  NumberOfSymbols:              00000000
  SizeOfOptionalHeader:         00E0
  Characteristics:              0102

Optional Header (32bit)
  Magic                              0x10B          267
  linker version                     12.00
  size of code                       0x102e00       1060352
  size of initialized data           0xf1400        988160
  size of uninitialized data         0x0            0
  entrypoint RVA                     0xd95d9        890329
  base of code                       0x1000         4096
  base of data                       0x104000       1064960
  image base                         0x400000       4194304
  section align                      0x1000         4096
  file align                         0x200          512
  required OS version                5.01
  image version                      1.00
  subsystem version                  5.01
  Win32 Version                      0x0            0
  size of image                      0x20a000       2138112
  size of headers                    0x400          1024
  checksum                           0x0            0
  Subsystem                          0x2 (Windows GUI)
  DLL characteristics:               0x8140
  stack reserve size                 0x100000       1048576
  stack commit size                  0x1000         4096
  heap reserve size                  0x100000       1048576
  heap commit size                   0x1000         4096
  loader flags                       0x0            0
  RVAs & sizes                       0x10           16

Data Directory
  EXPORT       rva: 0x0         size: 0x0       
  IMPORT       rva: 0x150c8c    size: 0xc8      
  RESOURCE     rva: 0x173000    size: 0x84404   
  EXCEPTION    rva: 0x0         size: 0x0       
  SECURITY     rva: 0x0         size: 0x0       
  BASERELOC    rva: 0x1f8000    size: 0x11a00   
  DEBUG        rva: 0x104730    size: 0x38      
  ARCHITECTURE rva: 0x0         size: 0x0       
  GLOBALPTR    rva: 0x0         size: 0x0       
  TLS          rva: 0x0         size: 0x0       
  LOAD_CONFIG  rva: 0x13b420    size: 0x40      
  Bound IAT    rva: 0x0         size: 0x0       
  IAT          rva: 0x104000    size: 0x65c     
  Delay IAT    rva: 0x0         size: 0x0       
  CLR Header   rva: 0x0         size: 0x0       
               rva: 0x0         size: 0x0       

Done dumping ../notepad++.exe
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Re: wine-1.7.50 64 bit Bad EXE format for Z:\home\notepad++.

Post by dimesio »

Sounds like you are missing the needed 32 bit parts of Wine. Did you build Wine yourself or are you using a distro package?