Trying to get academagia to work.

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Trying to get academagia to work.

Post by i30817 »

Problem is, it's a WMP 3 game

This is my last attemp with normal wine

Code: Select all

echo "this game requires 'dotnet35sp1 windowscodecs'"
mkdir -p "$PREFIXES"
export WINEARCH=win32
export WINEPREFIX="$PREFIXES/Academagia"

GAME_PARENT_DIR=$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")")
cd "$GAME_PARENT_DIR/Academagia"

wine reg add "HKCU\\Software\\Wine\\X11 Driver" /v "UseTakeFocus" /t REG_SZ /d "N"

CURRENT_RESOLUTION=$(xrandr | grep \* | cut -d' ' -f4)
wine reg add "HKCU\\Software\\Wine\\Appdefaults\\Academagia.exe\\Explorer" /v "Desktop" /t REG_SZ /d "Academagia.exe"
wine reg add "HKCU\\Software\\Wine\\Explorer\\Desktops" /v "Academagia.exe" /t REG_SZ /d "$CURRENT_RESOLUTION"

winetricks -q dotnet35sp1 windowscodecs
wine ./Academagia.exe

#WINEDEBUG=+loaddll,+d3d9,+d3d,+x11drv,+d3d_surface,+sync,+wgl wine ./Academagia.exe >>log.txt 2>&1
commented log call was the last attemp in the bug report at

and thats it i guess. It will always crash when attempting to execute a days actions, which is a little deflating, you're thinking 'it works' only to crash.