VueMinder failes to run

Questions about Wine on Linux
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VueMinder failes to run

Post by talentix »

I am failing to run the VueMinder calendar software 2021.02 which requires dotnet461. A USB-Version can be downloaded from

When the application is started it crashes with an exception:
Value was either too large or too small for an Int32.
at System.Convert.ToInt32(Double value)
at Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule.UltraMonthViewMultiBase.MetricInfo.GetTextUIElementAdjustment(Font font, Graphics g)
I have read documenations and tried wine configurations for more than 30 hours. I have varied to do the Installations via wine, via winetricks and via PlayForLinux. One time accidently I succeeded to configure wine and VueMinder did run. But I did not succeed to reproduce the installation, even I followed my command history. I also have tried the version that has to be installed. With the same crash when starting VueMinder.

I also have tried VueMinder version 2019.05. It requires dotnet35sp.

It crashes with the same error. This makes me assume that a general setting might be the source of the problem.

Does anybody have a hint?

Thank you and kind regards
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Re: VueMinder failes to run

Post by DarkShadow44 »

Seems to work fine for me, using wine-6.16.
Ran "winetricks -q dotnet472 d3dcompiler_47" for it to work and "winetricks -q gdiplus" for performance.

When that doesn't work, we need logs.