How to compile Wine's ATL with MinGW-W64?

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How to compile Wine's ATL with MinGW-W64?

Post by DevScholar »

How to compile Wine's ATL with MinGW-W64? I'm trying compiling a simple application uses ATL (Active Template Library) in MinGW-W64 complier (version 8.1.0, 32/64 bit, SEH) in Code::Blocks 20.04 on Windows 11 x64. I downloaded the whole "include" folder from Wine 7.5's source code repository, and copied these files to MinGW's include folder.Then I used widl to generate atliface.h successfully. Then I added the include folder to the search directory of the project. Then I trying to compile the project, and got a lot of errors. If I can't use MinGW, can I use Clang instead? Clang's website claims that it has better compatibility with MSVC.