Updated wine to 6.13 on Fedora 33 seeing error??

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Updated wine to 6.13 on Fedora 33 seeing error??

Post by msetzerii »

Just did dnf update and it installed wine 6.13.
Afterwards I generally run
wine notepad
from command line to have it do the test of update.
This time, it did the update fine, and comes up with the
blank screen and I closed the notepad.

After a short time, the following comes up on terminal

wine: Unhandled page fault on write access to
0000000000000000 at address 00007F56D62BE3A1
(thread 0074), starting debugger...
0074:err:seh:start_debugger Couldn't start debugger
L"winedbg --auto 100 72" (1115)
Read the Wine Developers Guide on how to set up
winedbg or another debugger

Not sure why it can't start debugger.
I can run
wine winedbg --auto 100 72
afterwards, but it shows info, but doesn't apply to the
previous notepad run.

If I run notepad from the menu, you would never see this
message at all, so not sure if it is just something to
