Policy about AppDB entries for DosBox wrapped app/games

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Policy about AppDB entries for DosBox wrapped app/games

Post by Jeffry84 »


I would like to know what do you think about adding DosBox wrapped games in the AppDB, as they are provided this way for example by GOG. Some of these games have been provided also in a Linux DosBox wrap, but others, likely due to licensing or agreements between providers and software houses issues, are currently Windows only and could benefit of a DB entry.

I write this as a game I have used to run through Wine some versions ago but it currently works only in safe mode (fewer colours and lower resolution) in Devel, so I think adding it to the AppDB for the others to see could be a good idea. Still, being run through DosBox puts it in a somewhat grey area.

I haven't seen a rule about this, so, what do you think?
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Re: Policy about AppDB entries for DosBox wrapped app/games

Post by dimesio »

The AppDB already has entries for DOS games wrapped in Windows installers, so yes, you can submit DOS games that require Windows for some part, even if only to install. However, pure DOS games (you can install and run them in Linux DOSBox without using Wine at all) don't belong there.