Reqired fields: What was not tested / What does not work ?

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Reqired fields: What was not tested / What does not work ?

Post by rkaluscha »

If I use an application heavily, I can't think of what to enter in "What was not tested" in the App DB reports.

Furthermore, some applications do work nicely - so what should I enter in the field "What does not work" ?

Having these as required fields is annoying and a barrier to submitting test results.
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Re: Reqired fields: What was not tested / What does not work

Post by dimesio »

If an app is rated platinum, the "What does not work" field can be left blank. If you are rating an app gold, explain what needed a workaround. Lower than that, something didn't work, and you need to say what.

If truly everything was tested, including features you do not normally use or consider important, you can simply say "Everything was tested" in the What was not tested field.
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Re: Reqired fields: What was not tested / What does not work

Post by rkaluscha »

Thnx - I see. Would it be possible to change the error message to e.g. "This is a required field for gold rating and below" so people get the connection between rating and required explanations better ?