Multimedia Fusion 2 Hardware Accleration is bugged

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Multimedia Fusion 2 Hardware Accleration is bugged

Post by Radeg »

Hey guys,
I'm using WINE to run MMF2.

When trying to run MMF2 non HWA, it works fine. Problem is beggining while I try to run HWA. It starts, program has loaded all extensions and started. Now I put new app and enter a frame. Now I can see, that if I click anywhere, or select any object, or create a new one, frame screen shakes strange for half second and returns to original. Sometimes it won't return and I'm having a something like bug area around selected object, I have to leave frame and open it again, then it returns to normal.

Next problem happens when I run application HWA (normal works well). Frame is normal size, but game is squeezed and scrolling is failing, because it scrolls like hot spot would be something else.


Sometimes frame looks like this:

Game area is squeezed:

Background is set to 640x480, but when I test game it's squeezed:

I report this as a bug and I ask, is there any way to make it working fine? o.o