Please add Wine 7.0 to listed of versions used in Test Data

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Please add Wine 7.0 to listed of versions used in Test Data

Post by ifGremlinThen »

Wine 7.0 is WineHQ's stated current stable release.

What good is it to prohibit me from sharing test data of software when I'm limited to 7.11 to 7.20, which are all considered development builds of Wine?

You're basically prohibiting a control variable and that doesn't make an ounce of sense. I'm going to be running the current stable version of Wine, I want to know if a given piece of software will work on it. You introduce confounding factors by only allowing reviews of software from unstable versions of Wine, because if it's got a terrible rating, what was ultimately to blame?

The software, which I know works on Windows natively, or the explicitly unstable version of Wine that was used to test it?

Please let me submit reviews for 7.0 and other stable releases of Wine, I'm testing software that haven't received any test updates in years, and it'd be pretty stupid to hide valuable information like "This software works PERFECTLY under the latest stable release of Wine" just because somebody insisted that we only test development builds.
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Re: Please add Wine 7.0 to listed of versions used in Test Data

Post by dimesio »

The AppDB displays the 10 most recent Wine releases, in the order they were released. Normally that is enough to keep the latest stable release on the list, but 7.0.1 has been delayed. Once it is released it will automatically appear, as the list is imported from WineHQ's bugzilla.

See also ... 99945.html for a bit more background on why adding an out-of-order release is not simple.
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Re: Please add Wine 7.0 to listed of versions used in Test Data

Post by ifGremlinThen »

That's completely stupid. This person expanded the list from 6 to 10, but can't expand it further, all because of some absurdly convoluted method of populating a simple dropdown menu?

I've put in the effort of reviewing multiple pieces of software that haven't had updated reviews in SEVERAL YEARS and yet they're getting rejected because of this tiny obnoxious thing.

I GUESS I'm just supposed to take that WineHQ doesn't want reviews of stable releases on their website, which is completely asinine because if software turns out to be unstable, the cause is 100% confounded by the fact that I'm running an unstable version of Wine, which is worthless information to everybody.

I don't give a shit if some software ran so-so on some one-off nightly build that was immediately replaced, I want it to run under it a full release, which is what I would run *ideally*. I'm not a Wine dev, but the least I can do is submit reviews of software working under Wine, but if it's all going to get rejected because I'm not run a development version of Wine, then fuck me and everyone else who thought this website was a useful resource I guess.

Needlessly frustrating, dude.

EDIT: To make this an even bigger kick in the nutsack, EVERY post on this forum needs to be approved by a moderator, but you can't have one guy manually add a version to a goddamn dropdown menu?
Last edited by ifGremlinThen on Sat Dec 31, 2022 10:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Please add Wine 7.0 to listed of versions used in Test Data

Post by dimesio »

The AppDB source code is at Patches are welcome.