Tracking commands made by winetricks

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Tracking commands made by winetricks

Post by RobertX »

As a matter of preference, I don't want to have to stay online to install file libraries before installing a game. In most cases, winetricks is always required to do that, and I'm hoping that the second, third, and fourth times around, that I can do it manually, however foolish it sounds.

Is there a way to keep a list of commands used by winetricks so I can make that step? While the Internet is an undoubtable helpful resource, I don't want to depend on an online connection to download libraries after I wipe my hard drive.

Or is an offline solution out of a question?
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Re: Tracking commands made by winetricks

Post by jkfloris »

Winetricks stores the downloaded files in ~/.cache/winetricks. When you run winetricks it first checks to see if the file is in the cache and has a valid checksum. If it does then the previously downloaded file is used.

To view all available cached winetricks use:

Code: Select all

winetricks list-cached
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Re: Tracking commands made by winetricks

Post by RobertX »

I downloaded all the files required in a virtual machine version of the same GNU/Linux distribution, copied all the files needed into the host machine's cache directory, and winetricks still attempts to download the files.

What have I done wrong?

EDIT: Just realised that it's trying to downloaded files to the root .wine folder which is a 64-bit installation.

Is there a way to make winetricks copy files to a switched Wine prefix so that it recognises the files copied there or do I have to toy with the root directory which I know is not wise to do?